- Chronic Active AMR group:
- * 18 Years and older
- * Recipient of blood group system (ABO) compatible solitary kidney transplant between \[1Jan2013\] and \[1Jan2018\]
- * Chronic active AMR diagnosed via kidney biopsy based upon Banff criteria. Patients who additionally have diagnoses such as TCMR, acute tubular necrosis, recurrence of primary kidney disease are also eligible if not the predominant pathology.
- * DSA antibodies within prior 6 months of the biopsy which confirmed chronic active AMR
- * Minimum of 3 years of follow up data following diagnosis of chronic active AMR (unless patient had died)
- * eGFR at time of diagnosis of chronic active AMR of \>25ml/min/1.73m2
- Non-Chronic active AMR group:
- * Age 18 years or older
- * Recipient of ABO compatible solitary kidney transplant between \[1 Jan 2013\] and \[1Jan2018\]
- * No documented diagnosis of chronic active AMR during the data extraction period. Patients with other diagnoses such as TCMR, acute tubular necrosis, recurrence of primary kidney disease are also eligible. Patients may or may not have had biopsies.
- * Minimum of 4 years of follow up data since transplant (unless patient has died)
- * eGFR of \>25ml/min/1.73m2 at time of matching
Antibody-mediated Rejection in Kidney Transplant
Assess Burden of Disease Among Kidney Transplant Recipients With Chronic Active Antibody Mediated Rejection
This study investigates the burden of disease among kidney transplant recipients that have developed Chronic Active Antibody Mediated Rejection (caAMR) compared with kidney transplant recipients that have not developed caAMR
Trial Information
If interested, contact clinicaltrials@cslbehring.com for more information
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Keck Medical Center of USC
Los Angeles,California,United States,90033
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Div. of Nephrology
Baltimore,Maryland,United States,21201
The Washington University
Saint Louis,Missouri,United States,63130
Study Eligibility Criteria
Additional Studies
Additional studies can be found at ClinicalTrials.gov