- * Infants who received more than one dose of IgG by the subcutaneous route before the age of two years.
- * Consent of parent/guardian if required by institution/IRB.
Primary Immune Deficiency
Retrospective Chart Review of Subcutaneous IgG Use in Infants
This study is a retrospective chart review of the use of subcutaneous IgG (SCIG) in infants less than two years old.
Trial Information
If interested, contact clinicaltrials@cslbehring.com or +1 610-878-4697 for more information
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Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
Los Angeles,California,United States,90027
University of South Florida
Tampa,Florida,United States,33612
Midwest Immunology Clinic
Plymouth,Minnesota,United States,55446
University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Cleveland,Ohio,United States,44106
St. Judes Children's Research Hospital
Memphis,Tennessee,United States,38105
Study Eligibility Criteria
Additional Studies
Additional studies can be found at ClinicalTrials.gov