• * Diagnosed with VWD
  • * Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) treatment is ineffective or contraindicated or not available
  • * Evidence of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (or presence of antibodies against hepatitis A and B) within 10 years prior to their first dose of Biostate®
  • * Written informed consent given
  • Exclusion Criteria (for participation in the PK component):
  • * Actively bleeding immediately prior to initial PK period
  • * Have received DDAVP or a VWF product in the 5 days prior to their first dose of study product
  • * Have Type 2B, 2N or 2M VWD
  • Exclusion Criteria (for all subjects):
  • * Requiring a VWF product for a planned surgical procedure at enrolment
  • * Have received aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within 7 days prior to their first dose of study product
  • * Known history of, or are suspected to have, VWF or FVIII inhibitors
  • * Suffering an acute or chronic medical condition, other than VWD, which may affect the conduct of the study
  • * Known or suspected hypersensitivity or previous evidence of severe side effects to Biostate®, VWF/FVIII concentrates, or human albumin
  • * Impaired liver function at screening
  • * Evidence or a history (within the previous 12 months) of abuse of any drug substance, licit or illicit
  • * Participation in a clinical study or use of an investigational compound in the 3 months preceding the first day of study drug administration, or plans to enter such a study during the study period.
  • * Females who are pregnant, breast-feeding or who have a positive pregnancy test at screening